Spring Serenity: Crafting an Outdoor Haven for Relaxation - by Stephanie Rogers

Posted by Jill Yanus on

It’s that time of year when homeowners are starting to get spring fever. Days are getting longer, temperatures are gradually rising, and the kids are getting restless as the school calendar grows shorter. As such, it is the perfect time to turn your attention outdoors and get your home’s exterior ready for the season. Keep reading as we explore 8 ways to create an outdoor haven for relaxation this spring!


Implement an Outdoor Kitchen

family outside, grilling and sitting at table in outdoor kitchen

Nothing says “spring is here” quite like kicking back and enjoying a meal in the open air. However, continually running back and forth between the kitchen and patio can quickly take the luster out of any outdoor dining experience.

A trendy idea to avoid this scenario is to build an outdoor covered kitchen. Choose durable, weather-resistant materials such as quartz countertops, stainless steel appliances, and PVC cabinetry. By bringing your cookspace outdoors, the convenience of having everything close at hand can take your spring enjoyment to the next level. Keep a handheld sprayer handy for quick cleanups as well.


Incorporate Water Features for Sensory Appeal

outdoor water fountains in gardens

Water is a fundamental feature of any relaxing atmosphere--and you don’t have to install a swimming pool to make it happen. Ponds, fountains, and water chains are all great ways to leverage the calming effect of water on the confines of your property. Not only will these elements help create a peaceful exterior vibe, but they can attract birds and butterflies, further enhancing the sensory appeal of the space.


Add Stylish Accents

Sometimes, the smallest details can make the biggest difference when crafting an outdoor sanctuary. By carefully complementing your existing spaces, you can skillfully highlight the best features of your exterior. Some accents to consider include wind chimes, deck staining, outdoor handrail systems, solar-powered LED lighting strips, and decorative seating.


Install Low Maintenance Turf

Artificial Turf

It is difficult to enjoy your exterior when you are constantly required to maintain it. Mowing, raking, and fertilizing can eat up an entire weekend before you ever get the chance to kick back and relax. As such, it is a great idea to consider artificial turf and other types of hardscaping features in place of expansive grass lawns. Many types of infill turf closely mirror the appearance of natural grass, creating a welcoming environment without all of the meticulous manicuring. Hardscape surfaces can typically be maintained with occasional clearing of fallen debris and bi-weekly spraying with a gentle soap and water mixture, dispensed with these convenient sprayers from Chapin.


Spruce Up the Siding

It is essential that your outdoor haven complements the design aesthetics of your home. Even the most luxurious exterior will feel out of place if the house itself is dated and rundown. As such, consider a roofing, siding, and/or window upgrade simultaneous to your landscaping efforts. The installation of steel siding to the exterior facade of your home is a particularly strong idea, as it meshes well with basically any exterior design theme and promotes a peaceful sense of nature for your property. If you have vinyl siding, keep it clean by using a bleach sprayer in the spring and summer months.


Create a Custom Fire Pit

There is something about a fire that brings everyone together. Whether it’s a focal point around which to enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning or to tell stories with family under the starlight, many of life’s quaintest moments happen around a fire. When creating an open flame fire pit, be sure to surround the pit with the appropriate pavers to catch errant embers. If an open flame is not feasible or permitted in your locale, explore gas and electric options that provide a realistic flame and require less work than a traditional wood-burning model.


Cover the Deck

Backyard covered deck and large lawn

Although decks are some of the most trending exterior additions that homeowners undertake, many decks end up severely underutilized for the simple fact that they lack shade. Not only is sitting out in the blazing sun uncomfortable, but it will expedite the breakdown of your deck boards and furniture. Therefore, make the most of your deck by adding a louvered pergola for shade and moisture protection. In addition to these functional benefits, many modern pergola designs add a stunning aesthetic element, further promoting the exterior ambience. Other ideas for creating a top notch environment are choosing the best screws for wood deck and a low-profile railing that provides protection without encumbering views.


Choose the Right Mix of Plants

Spring land, lots of flowers and blooming trees

There is no denying that a verdant exterior is the goal for many homeowners. However, keep in mind that lush spaces often come at a price, typically in the form of extensive care and maintenance. As such, be meticulous with the plants you choose. Look into native species that thrive in the local climate, trees that provide shade and wind resistance, and small pots that can add a burst of color in cozy spaces.


Get Started On Your Outdoor Haven Today

With spring rapidly approaching, the time is right to turn your exterior into an outdoor oasis. From ambitious projects, such as an outdoor kitchen installation, to more subtle means of choosing the right plants, any of the ideas listed above can go a long way toward making your outdoor space a haven for relaxation. To help facilitate the care and maintenance of your exterior this season, explore the products and resources at Chapin for the leading tools in the landscaping industry!



Stephanie Rogers is a freelance writer that enjoys sharing her love for writing with others. She primarily writes about home remodeling, interior design ideas, and landscaping, but lately has started writing more about her passion for Music. She lives in her hometown of Phoenix, Arizona where she enjoys spending time with her husband and dog, Chino. Stephanie’s work as a freelance writer can be found on Building Product Advisor, a construction industry resource site.

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